Additional Licensable Technologies

Our Patent Portfolio includes four additional Technologies also based on our dedication to embedded, hardware-enforced cybersecurity innovation. These Technologies are
"WorkPlay for Windows",
"JustView-It", "SmartHyp",
and TrustWall", which

WorkPlay for Windows

Multi-domain separate complete OS's for Windows OS with maximum cross-contamination protection using single CPU


Adapting our WorkPlay for Mobile Android devices to Windows OS


All our Technologies are validated and protected by awarded U.S. Patents


Usable as standalone solutions or value-adds to current commercial security solutions

Just View-It

A logical addition to Cloud Safe Passage to protect against hidden malware in the File Preview


An available feature for Cloud Safe Passage that isolates the File Preview in the cloud and may be used for side-by-side comparison with a Reconstructed version


Because File Previews such as Outlook Preview have been used to inject hidden malware into the endpoint device


By using hardware-enforced isolation and separation in the endpoint to access cloud display of the file


Practical, multiple user-convenient VMs in an endpoint device with secure bare-metal (Type 1) separation


For devices with modifiable hypervisor mode, multi-domain VMs that overcome the practical power and performance problems of standard Bare Metal technology


Because standard Bare Metal technology poses unacceptable issues in performance speed, capacity consumption and battery drain


By creating different types of VMs ("Foreground", "Background", "Interoperability") for specific functions, minimizing resource consumption


An isolated firewall that prohibits all outgoing traffic except to addresses authorized by security policy


Isolating an outgoing endpoint firewall in its own hardware-enforced mini-OS/VM to make it unreachable to Internet-borne malware or the malicious insider


Like the active operating environment, the standard endpoint firewall may be reached by a successful attack on user's OS


By applying InZero's hardware-enforced data separation methodology to create an isolated firewall domain that must authorize all outgoing traffic by policy